Nova Scotia School Lunch Program

The Nova Scotia School Lunch Program is a provincial lunch program that will offer public school students across Nova Scotia nutritious lunch every school day.

Providing Affordable Lunch to Students Throughout Nova Scotia

This October, phase one of the Nova Scotia School Lunch Program will launch in more than 250 schools across the province. Families will be able to order affordable lunches through an online pay-what-you-can system that lets them confidentially pay what they are able.

In future school years, the program will grow to include all public schools in the province.

As we get closer to the start of the school lunch program, more information on menu options, the ordering process and other details will be shared with families and school communities. You can also always check for updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

We asked families and members of school communities for their questions about Nova Scotia’s new School Lunch Program. Here are your most asked questions!

As we get closer to the launch of the School Lunch Program in October, will be updated with more information including pictures and ingredients for lunches and ordering information.

About the Nova Scotia School Lunch Program

What is the Nova Scotia school lunch program?

The Nova Scotia School Lunch Program is a provincial lunch program that offers public school students in Nova Scotia nutritious and affordable lunch every school day.

Is the program available in all schools?
Starting in October 2024, the School Lunch Program will be in more than 250 schools in Nova Scotia, offering lunches to more than 75,000 students. For the 2024-25 school year, the School Lunch Program will be offered in every school that includes elementary school grades (pre-primary/primary to grade 5).

Schools that are not part of this first phase of the School Lunch Program will join the program in future school years. In the meantime, junior high and high schools will still offer free breakfast.

Check the list of 2024-25 School Lunch Program schools

Will school lunch program lunches be affordable?
Lunches will be affordable for every family. The Nova Scotia School Lunch Program is pay-what-you-can, this means families can choose to pay the full cost of the lunch, pay a part of the cost, or pay nothing.

What you pay is kept confidential from school and lunch program staff. There is no need to explain or prove why your family has chosen to pay the amount you select.

Will the program replace existing school lunch programs?
The School Lunch Program builds on the great lunch programs that were in schools across Nova Scotia. Many of the lunches that students love are part of the new province-wide school lunch program.

All schools will still have free breakfast and many of the special food programs are continuing.

School Lunch Program in Action

How will the program be implemented in schools?

Each school is unique, with different facilities and lunch operations. The School Lunch Program is flexible and being delivered according to the needs of individual schools. Each school has one of three delivery models for their School Lunch Program:

  1. School staff make lunches in the school
  2. An outside company makes lunches in the school
  3. An outside company makes and delivers lunches to the school

The program model does not affect the menu options, ordering process or quality of lunches.

Will food be locally sourced?

Fresh, locally sourced ingredients are used whenever possible, promoting healthy eating habits and supporting local farmers.

How will schools handle food waste?

The School Lunch Program menu minimizes food waste. The team will also be tracking food waste and making adjustments to make sure there is no unnecessary waste.

Who can I talk to for more information?

More information will be shared as we get closer to the start of the School Lunch Program in October.

Once the program launches, you can speak to your child’s school or reach out to your regional School Food Program Lead with any specific questions about the School Lunch Program.

Ordering and Payment

When does ordering start?
The School Lunch Program is starting in October in phase one schools. Two weeks before the program starts in your school, ordering will open. This website and your school will have more information closer to the start of ordering.
How do I order lunch?

The School Lunch Program uses an online ordering system. Before the program starts in October, you will be able to come to this website and create an account. An app will be available for ordering as well. The ordering system will be easy to use and there will be support materials to help you get started.

Families will order lunches in two-week cycles, choosing between two lunch options for each school day.

How much do lunches cost?

The cost of a meal will be $6.50.

Keep in mind that lunches will be affordable for every family because the Nova Scotia School Lunch Program is pay-what-you-can. After choosing lunches, the ordering system will give families three payment options: pay the $6.50 cost of the lunch, pay a part of the cost, or pay nothing.

What you pay is kept confidential from school and lunch program staff.

How do I pay?

Lunches are paid for in the online ordering system. After choosing lunches, the ordering system will take you to a payment screen. On the payment screen, families will see three payment options: pay the cost of the lunch, pay a part of the cost, or pay nothing.

You will be able to make a secure payment using a credit card.

How will the "pay-what-you-can" model work?

Lunches will be affordable for every family because the Nova Scotia School Lunch Program is pay-what-you-can. After choosing lunches, the ordering system will give families three payment options: pay the cost of the lunch, pay a part of the cost, or pay nothing.

What a family pays is kept confidential from school and lunch program staff. There is no need to explain or prove why your family has chosen to pay the amount you select.

We encourage families to pay for meals if they can. Paying for lunches helps ensure the sustainability of Nova Scotia’s School Lunch Program and makes sure every student has access to nutritious food at school.

Can I make a donation to the program?

There will be opportunities for individuals and businesses to make donations to the School Lunch Program.

Who will be able to order?

At the start of the school year, students and families will be able to create an account and order lunches. Schools and regional staff as well as community organizations will also be able to support families and help order lunches on their behalf, if needed.


What kind of meals will be provided through the School Lunch Program?

The School Lunch Program will offer a rotating menu of 40 lunches, offering families a choice between two options every school day. We are working with chefs and dieticians to make sure all lunches are nutritious and provide students with a mix of familiar favourites and new flavours.

Once the full menu is ready, it will be posted on our menu webpage. For now, you can check out a sneak peek of some foods that will be on our lunch menu.

Will there be a variety of food options available?

Families will be able to choose between two lunch options every school day. There will be one vegetarian (no meat) offered each day. In total, there will be 40 menu options that rotate weekly when the School Lunch Program starts in October.

Once the full menu is ready, it will be posted on our menu webpage. For now, you can check out a sneak peek of some foods that will be on our lunch menu.

Will the program offer hot meals?

Some lunches are hot meals.

What about lunches for students with allergies and dietary restrictions (gluten-free, vegan, halal, kosher, etc.)?

We want all students to be able to take part in the School Lunch Program and have tried to create lunch options that work for as many students as possible.

When ordering, families will be able to see the ingredients in each meal and make the best decision for their child. We can’t guarantee that meals are 100 per cent allergen free due to the risk of cross-contamination.

Will the food be healthy and nutritious?

Nova Scotia has a School Food and Nutrition Policy and is developing new Food and Beverage Standards that ensure all food in our schools is healthy and nutritious.

Will the program offer options for picky eaters?

Students and families will be able to see pictures of lunches and a full list of ingredients so they can see and talk about what’s for lunch and decide if they want to order lunch on any given day.

Families can choose to participate in the School Lunch Program or pack a lunch for their child on any given day.

Will the program accommodate cultural food preferences?

We are working with chefs and dieticians to make sure lunches are nutritious and provide students with a mix of familiar favourites and new flavours.

Program Rollout Schedule: Phase One Schools

Across Nova Scotia, more than 250 schools are part of phase one of the School Lunch Program. Schools taking part in phase one during the 2024-25 school year are listed below. 

Phase one schools will have different lunch program start dates throughout October, with the ordering system opening to families more than a week before the first lunch is served in their school. The ordering window dates and start dates for each school will be available by early September.

Select your region or school board:

Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education
Starting this October, 27 AVRCE schools will be part of phase one of the school lunch program. 

School First order date First lunch date
Aldershot Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Annapolis East Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Berwick and District School TBD TBD – October 2024
Bridgetown Regional Community School TBD TBD – October 2024
Brooklyn District Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Cambridge and District Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Champlain Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Clark Rutherford Memorial School TBD TBD – October 2024
Coldbrook and District School TBD TBD – October 2024
Dr. Arthur Hines School TBD TBD – October 2024
Dwight Ross School TBD TBD – October 2024
Falmouth District School TBD TBD – October 2024
Gaspereau Valley Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Glooscap Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Hantsport School TBD TBD – October 2024
Kings County Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Kingston and District School TBD TBD – October 2024
L.E. Shaw Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Lawrencetown Consolidated School TBD TBD – October 2024
New Minas Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Port Williams Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Somerset and District Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
St. Mary’s Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Three Mile Plains District School TBD TBD – October 2024
Windsor Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Windsor Forks District School TBD TBD – October 2024
Wolfville School TBD TBD – October 2024
Cape Breton-Victoria Regional Centre for Education
Starting this October, 26 CBVRCE schools will be part of phase one of the school lunch program.

School First order date First lunch date
Baddeck Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Boularderie School TBD TBD – October 2024
Bras d’Or Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Brookland Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Cape Smokey Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Coxheath Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Cusack School TBD TBD – October 2024
Donkin School TBD TBD – October 2024
Dr. T.L. Sullivan School TBD TBD – October 2024
Ferrisview Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Glace Bay Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Greenfield Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Harbourside Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
John Bernard Croak V.C. Memorial School TBD TBD – October 2024
Jubilee Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Marion Bridge School TBD TBD – October 2024
Middle River Consolidated School TBD TBD – October 2024
Mountainview Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
North Highlands Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Rankin School of the Narrows TBD TBD – October 2024
Riverside School TBD TBD – October 2024
Robin Foote Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Shipyard Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
St. Anne’s Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Sydney River Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Tompkins Memorial Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education
Starting this October, 46 CCRCE schools will be part of phase one of the school lunch program.

School First order date First lunch date
A.G. Baillie Memorial TBD TBD – October 2024
Advocate District TBD TBD – October 2024
Bible Hill Consolidated TBD TBD – October 2024
Brookfield Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Chiganois Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Cobequid Consolidated Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Cobequid District Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Cumberland North Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Cyrus Eaton Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Debert Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Dr. W.A. MacLeod Consolidated TBD TBD – October 2024
Elmsdale District Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Enfield District Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
F.H. MacDonald Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
G.R. Saunders Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Great Village Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Harmony Heights Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Hilden Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Kennetcook District Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Maple Ridge Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
McCulloch Education Centre TBD TBD – October 2024
New Glasgow Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
North River Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Northport Consolidated TBD TBD – October 2024
Oxford Regional Education Centre TBD TBD – October 2024
Parrsboro Regional Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Rawdon District Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
River Hebert District School TBD TBD – October 2024
Salt Springs Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Scotsburn Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Shubenacadie District Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Spring Street Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Springhilll Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Tatamagouche Regional Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Thorburn Consolidated School TBD TBD – October 2024
Trenton Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Truro Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Uniacke District TBD TBD – October 2024
Upper Stewiacke Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Valley Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Wallace Consolidated TBD TBD – October 2024
Walter Duggan Consolidated TBD TBD – October 2024
West Colchester Consolidated TBD TBD – October 2024
West Highlands Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
West Pictou Consolidated TBD TBD – October 2024
Winding River Consolidated TBD TBD – October 2024
Conseil scolaire acadien provincial
Starting this October, 18 CSAP schools will be part of phase one of the school lunch program.

School First order date First lunch date
Centre scolaire de la Rive-Sud TBD TBD – October 2024
Centre scolaire Étoile de l’Acadie TBD TBD – October 2024
École acadienne de Pomquet TBD TBD – October 2024
École acadienne de Truro TBD TBD – October 2024
École Beaubassin TBD TBD – October 2024
École Beau-Port TBD TBD – October 2024
École Belle-Baie TBD TBD – October 2024
École Belleville TBD TBD – October 2024
Ecole Bois-Joli TBD TBD – October 2024
École des Beaux-Marais TBD TBD – October 2024
École du Grand-Portage TBD TBD – October 2024
École Joseph-Dugas TBD TBD – October 2024
École Mer et Monde TBD TBD – October 2024
École NDA TBD TBD – October 2024
École Pubnico-Ouest TBD TBD – October 2024
Ecole Rose-des-Vents TBD TBD – October 2024
École Stella-Maris TBD TBD – October 2024
École Wedgeport TBD TBD – October 2024
Halifax Regional Centre for Education
Starting this October, 92 HRCE schools will be part of phase one of the school lunch program.

School First order date First lunch date
Admiral Westphal Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Alderney Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Ash Lee Jefferson Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Astral Drive Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Atlantic Memorial Terence Bay Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Atlantic View Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Basinview Drive Community School TBD TBD – October 2024
Beaver Bank Kinsac Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Beaver Bank Monarch Drive Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Bedford South School TBD TBD – October 2024
Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Junior Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Beechville Lakeside Timberlea Senior Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Bel Ayr Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Bell Park Academic Centre TBD TBD – October 2024
Bicentennial TBD TBD – October 2024
Brookhouse Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Burton Ettinger Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Caldwell Road Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Caudle Park Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Cavalier Drive School TBD TBD – October 2024
Central Spryfield Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Chebucto Heights Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Colby Village Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Colonel John Stuart Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Crichton Park Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Dartmouth South Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Duc d’Anville Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Dutch Settlement Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
East St. Margaret’s Consolidated Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Elizabeth Sutherland School TBD TBD – October 2024
Fairview Heights Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
George Bissett Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Grosvenor-Wentworth Park Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Hammonds Plains Consolidated Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Harbour View Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Harrietsfield Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Harry R. Hamilton Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Hawthorn Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Hillside Park Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Holland Road Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Horizon Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Humber Park Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Ian Forsyth Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Inglis Street Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
John MacNeil Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
John W. MacLeod Fleming Tower Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Joseph Giles Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Joseph Howe Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Kingswood Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
LeMarchant-St.Thomas Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Marine Drive Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Michael Wallace Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Millwood Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Mount Edward Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Musquodoboit Valley Education Centre TBD TBD – October 2024
Nelson Whynder Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
O’Connell Drive Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Ocean View Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Oldfield Consolidated Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Oxford School TBD TBD – October 2024
Oyster Pond Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Park West School TBD TBD – October 2024
Porters Lake Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Portland Estates Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Prospect Road Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Robert Kemp Turner Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Rockingham Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Rockingstone Heights School TBD TBD – October 2024
Ross Road School TBD TBD – October 2024
Sackville Heights Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Saint Mary’s Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Sambro Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Seaside Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Shannon Park Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Shatford Memorial Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Sir Charles Tupper Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Smokey Drive Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
South Woodside Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Springvale Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
St. Catherine’s Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
St. Joseph’s-Alexander McKay Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
St. Margaret’s Bay Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
St. Stephen’s Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Sunnyside Elementary School – Eaglewood and Fort Sackville sites TBD TBD – October 2024
Sycamore Lane Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Tantallon Junior Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Tantallon Senior Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Upper Musquodoboit Consolidated Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Waverley Memorial TBD TBD – October 2024
West Bedford School TBD TBD – October 2024
Westmount Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
William King Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
South Shore Regional Centre for Education
Starting this October, 16 SSRCE schools will be part of phase one of the school lunch program.

School First order date First lunch date
Aspotogan Consolidated Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Bayview Community School TBD TBD – October 2024
Big Tancook Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Bluenose Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Bridgewater Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Chester District School TBD TBD – October 2024
Dr. John C. Wickwire Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Greenfield Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Hebbville Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
New Germany Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
New Ross Consolidated School TBD TBD – October 2024
Newcombville Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
North Queens Community School TBD TBD – October 2024
Pentz Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Petite Riviere Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
West Northfield Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Strait Regional Centre for Education

Starting this October, 15 SRCE schools will be part of phase one of the school lunch program.

School First order date First lunch date
Antigonish Education Centre TBD TBD – October 2024
Bayview Education Centre TBD TBD – October 2024
Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre/Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Chedabucto Education Centre/Guysborough Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
East Richmond Education Centre TBD TBD – October 2024
Fanning Education Centre/Canso Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Felix Marchand Education Centre TBD TBD – October 2024
H.M. MacDonald Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Inverness Education Centre/Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Pleasant Bay School TBD TBD – October 2024
St. Andrews Consolidated School TBD TBD – October 2024
St. Mary’s Education Centre/Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Tamarac Education Centre TBD TBD – October 2024
Whycocomagh Education Center TBD TBD – October 2024
Tri-County Regional Centre for Education

Starting this October, 15 TCRCE schools will be part of phase one of the school lunch program.

School First order date First lunch date
Carleton Consolidated Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Clark’s Harbour Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Digby Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Digby Neck Consolidated School TBD TBD – October 2024
Drumlin Heights Consolidated School TBD TBD – October 2024
Evelyn Richardson Memorial Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Forest Ridge Academy TBD TBD – October 2024
Hillcrest Academy Elementary TBD TBD – October 2024
Islands Consolidated School TBD TBD – October 2024
Lockeport Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Meadowfields Community School TBD TBD – October 2024
Plymouth School TBD TBD – October 2024
Port Maitland Consolidated Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024
Weymouth Consolidated School TBD TBD – October 2024
Yarmouth Elementary School TBD TBD – October 2024